Monday, January 25, 2010

Easy Potted Houseplants

If you brave the slippery walk to the greenhouses this time of the year, you will be rewarded with a plethora of obliviously blooming begonias.
These make great houseplants in most climates as they prefer bright indirect sun and regular watering and will bloom throughout the year. In our northern climate, sometimes they do best with a bit of direct sun through the winter months.

We currently have two different types of Begonia Fuchioides with flowers either in pink or red. These both look great in pots as they are upright in habit and can be prolific with blooms. You can see here why we like them so much. With there striking contrasting stem, bright green foliage, and abundant fuchsia-like blooms they are very appealing.

For something really striking we have Begonia 'Bandit'. This dark leaf variety has gorgeous red stems and undersides and tall white blooms that open to pink.


As if that weren't enough, we have another larger leaf variety called 'Art Hodes'. This one has wide green, grape-like, fuzzy foliage and contrasting tall white flowers.

Finally, here is a furiously blooming Begonia 'Ulmifolia' with it's white flowers against the bright green leaves reminding us spring is certainly on it's way.

1 comment:

  1. the blog looks so good. and i love the first image, there's almost a haunting surreal feel to it...lovely...striking...seductive....cheers! scott
